Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Professor Layton and Pandora's Box

Professor Layton and pandora the follow up to the Curious Village (by Level-5) has been announced for release this year. Pandora's Box (named Diabolical Box in US) features brand new puzzles with Luke and the Professor.

Pandora's Box originates back to a Greek mythical tale which tells the story of a gift of the Gods and a box given to a God's mortal wife Pandora. The only condition is that she must never open the box she must keep. Eventually curiosity gets the better of Dora and out of the box all the evil in world escaped out to plague people.

The Diabolical Box is said to be a box which brings death to anyone who dare open it. Top hat Professor Layton and Luke embark on pandora bracelets cheap another murder mystery puzzle adventure in Professor Layton 2. A single clue is found. A train ticket for the Molentary Express is the beginning of the next adventure. Unlike other popular video games, believe it or not, you don't have shotgun to obliterate the train driver. Instead you'll have to solve fiendish puzzles, riddles and mind benders during the adventure. As well as the 150 puzzles, this DS game has an interactive story which unfolds as the Professor and Luke solve the murder case.

Thankfully, Luke's game play is as before in the Curious Village. Less time aimless wandering, just click a direction and you arrive there, question and be questioned. Luke, the playable character in pandora bracelets sale can purchase clues for puzzles with the coins you uncover. Quite charming how Professor Layton, doesn't solve a single puzzle, but gets all the credit, instead he depends on Luke to do the maths and Layton gives out direction.

Professor Layton and Pandora's Box - Nintendo DSi. Screenshots, trailer, pre order prices, and more details @ Game Stock. Hi, I'm Chip. I get to play games and help out in my spare time for Game Stock. Game Stock are a games retailer based in the UK.